Our seeds

We collaborate with Swedish NordFrö, which together with dedicated growers all over the country grow very high quality seeds that are adapted to Nordic conditions. On the farm Fridtuna, just outside Arkelstorp, Ove and Linus run a large-scale and artisanal production from drying to cleaning. A genuine genuine production that does good for both the environment, humans and micro-life.

Seed quality is the basis for successful cultivation

The seeds you buy have lived at least a year at our growers' homes. Some vegetables flower and set seed the first year (eg peas, beans, tomatoes and cucumbers), some flower and set seed the second year (eg carrot, onion and beetroot). You take care of your cultivation and give your vegetables the very best conditions for a good harvest. In the same way, we take care of our cultivations in the very best way so that you get good seeds.

How and where your seeds are grown is very important for you to get good quality and a nice harvest of your vegetables and flowers.

Our seeds are grown in Sweden in regenerative farms and this gives you Sweden's best seeds.

Seeds for real

Part of the green revolution is to urge all other seed companies in Sweden to change and do what NordFrö is doing.

That is, grow all your seeds in Sweden instead of importing from other countries. Grow the seeds sustainably for real. Not on large fields that require fossil fuels and large machine parks. This actually applies regardless of whether the seeds are organically or conventionally grown.

So far, only NordFrö and their growers can offer real seeds!

Buy your seeds here