Punk Garden

Tomato Black Brandywine

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A real favorite among the steak tomatoes! Black Brandywine is a vigorous, tall-growing variety that produces bountiful harvests of large, mahogany-red tomatoes with dark green necks. The flat round fruits are tasty with a juicy, firm flesh and are best eaten freshly picked from the plant. Thrives best in greenhouses and wants to be tied up and stolen for the best harvest.

Botanical name : Solanum lycopersicum
Number of seeds : approx. 15 pcs
Cultivation type : Greenhouse
Sowing time (pre-sown) : Feb-Mar
Sowing depth : 1 cm
Plant distance : 60 cm
Row spacing : 50 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination : at least 92%
Grown by : Gisela at Gisslagården (Falköping)