Punk Garden

Koriander Marino

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Coriander is truly a plant that brings you joy in many ways. Use the plant as a flavoring agent in food or why not let it bloom and use it as a beautiful cut flower? If you do that, after flowering, you can use the seeds, which work perfectly to be used as a spice. An annual plant that grows to about 50-60 cm high with white flowers.

In the Middle East it has been cultivated for over 3000 years as a spice and medicinal plant, while in China it has been considered to give eternal life. In Europe, coriander has been seen as an aphrodisiac. For those who like coriander, it is a wonderful flavor that brings to mind North African and Asian cuisine, but did you know that you can also use the seeds as a spice? To harvest the seeds, it is easiest to hang the plant upside down to dry and place a sheet or tray underneath to collect the seeds. The seeds can be used as a flavoring agent in everything from soups to salads, but be a little careful with the amount and experiment, the flavor easily takes over.

Botanical name : Coriandrum sativum
Number of seeds : approx. 100 pcs
Cultivation type : Open field
Sowing time (direct) : Apr-Aug
Sowing depth : 0.5 cm
Plant distance : 15 cm
Row spacing : 20 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination : at least 85%
Grown by : Joe in Tolg (Växjö)