Punk Garden

Chili Padron

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A classic tapas chili that comes with excitement! Namely, 1 out of 20 fruits is really strong, while the others are mild. The fruits are pointed and slightly wrinkled. The variety is very common in Spain and is widely used in Spanish cuisine. Traditionally, they are harvested green and fried in olive oil and sea salt. Also very good for grilling or baking. The plant grows to 60-80 cm and may need support.

Botanical name : Capsicum Annuum
Number of seeds : approx. 15 pcs
Strength (SHU) : 500-5000
Cultivation type : Greenhouse
Sowing time (pre-sown) : Jan-Mar
Sowing depth : 0.5 cm
Plant distance : 40 cm
Row spacing : 40 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination : at least 95%
Grown by : Jorge at Nybrukarna (Vetlanda)