Punk Garden


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The classic chives are perennial and are sown in tufts or rows. As the plant can stand for several years, it is good to harvest with caution the first year so that the plant can grow and then give a good harvest for several years. A tip is to plant extra many seeds the first year and then divide the plant as you go.

A bonus with chives is that the beautiful edible flowers. Let some of the plants bloom and use them as seasoning or decoration. The flowers have a milder onion flavor and provide a nice splash of color in the summer salad.

Botanical name : Allium schoenoprasum
Number of seeds : approx. 100 pcs
Cultivation type : Open field
Sowing time (direct) : Apr-Aug
Sowing depth : 1-2 cm
Plant distance : 30 cm
Row spacing : 30 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination : at least 93%

Grown by : Jonas & Sanna at Bossgården (Tidaholm)