Punk Garden

Maize - Painted Mountain

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Fabulously beautiful and versatile flour corn that is excellent for porridge and bread, but can also be grilled and boiled. Painted Mountain is said to be able to exhibit all the color variations that corn can have and is said to have the greatest genetic variation as well. Is very resistant to cold and wind and is one of the very earliest varieties. Selection of Dave Christensen in Montana. About 150 cm high.

Botanical name : Zea mays var. amylacea
Number of seeds : approx. 30 pcs
Cultivation type : Open field
Sowing time (pre-sown/direct) : Apr-May/May-Jun
Sowing depth : 4 cm
Plant distance : 20-30 cm
Row spacing : 70-80 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination 2021 : at least 95%
Grown by : Lisa in Rö (Norrtälje ).