Punk Garden

Carrot Long Orange

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Long Orange, the forefather and foremother of carrots! This is the original carrot that gave rise to Berlicum and Flakker. It originates from 17th-century Holland and is a long, narrow carrot with a deep red-orange color, which can grow to 30 cm long. Flavors are always a bit difficult to describe in words, but Ismahni who grew it says this: “I have never tasted a carrot that tastes so much carrot!”

Botanical name : Daucus carota sativus
Number of seeds : approx. 100 pcs
Cultivation type : Open field
Sowing time (direct) : March-June
Sowing depth : 1 cm
Plant distance : 1-3 cm
Row spacing : 35-50 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination : at least 90%
Grown by : Ismahni in Rimbo (Norrtälje)