Punk Garden

Paprika Hungarian Boldog

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A sweet, early and hardy Hungarian pepper that can also be grown outdoors in southern Sweden. The juicy fruits can be up to 15 cm long and ripen in bright yellow, orange and finally red. They can be harvested at any stage and work well in salad, oven roasted and even dried/ground into sweet paprika powder. Sow indoors for about 8 weeks before planting, do not plant outdoors until the night temperature exceeds 7°C. About 1m high.

Botanical name : Capsicum Annuum
Number of seeds : approx. 15 pcs
Cultivation type : Pre-cultivation, then greenhouse/open field
Sowing time (pre-sown) : Jan-Mar
Sowing depth : 0.1 cm
Plant distance : 30-50 cm
Row spacing : 50-70 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination : at least 86%
Grown by :Max & Sarah at Gröna Egg (Simrishamn)