Punk Garden

Radish - Marike

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Is there anything that says summer salad more than radish? Marike is a round red radish with a lovely "radish taste". It has a short development time of 5-6 weeks so sow it in batches during the season and harvest it as you go. If you want to extend the season, it is perfectly possible to put a last round in a greenhouse or drift bench in August/September, depending on where in the country you grow.

Botanical name : Raphanus sativus
Number of seeds : approx. 100 pcs
Cultivation type : Open field
Sowing time (direct) : Apr-Aug
Sowing depth : 1-2 cm
Plant distance : 2-3 cm
Row spacing : 10-20 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination : at least 93%
Grown by : Jonas & Sanna at Bossgården (Tidaholm)