Punk Garden

Beetroot - Forono

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The perfect storage beet, with a very sweet and mild taste. Cylindrical shape and thus easy to slice. Forono produces well and evenly, please thin to one decimeter between the plants for optimal development. Likes loamy and moist soil. For storage, the beets are harvested Sep-Oct. Young tender leaves can be used and cooked like Swiss chard.

Botanical name : Beta vulgaris
Number of seeds : approx. 85 pcs
Cultivation type : Open field
Sowing time (direct) : May-June
Sowing depth : 2 cm
Plant distance : 3-8 cm
Row spacing : 30-50 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination : at least 86%
Grown by : Ove & Linus at the Fröverkstan in Arkelstorp