Punk Garden

Maize - Damaun

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Damaun is probably the sweetest open-pollinated corn to be found. What does this mean for you? Yes, you get a full-bodied sweet corn with excellent quality on the cobs and can save your own seed. Despite its sweetness, it still has a round and rich corn taste. Gives about 20 cm large cobs on hardy, strong-growing plants.

Botanical name : Zea mays var. saccharata
Number of seeds : approx. 30 pcs
Cultivation type : Open field/Greenhouse
Sowing time (pre-sown) : April-May (pre-sown) May-June (direct)
Sowing depth : 3-5 cm
Plant distance : 20-25 cm
Row spacing : 70 cm
Origin : Sweden
Germination : at least 89%
Grown by : Britt-Marie in Linnemölla (Kristianstad)