Punk Garden

The Cucumber Kit

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Munching on one's first home-grown cucumber is close to magic. With a healthy crunch and unique taste, it's hard to believe it's 96 percent water. Growing cucumbers is not only easy, it's also really satisfying when you watch the crop grow.

Cucumber seeds are large and easy to handle, so why not put them in small pots for convenience? Fill the pots almost to the brim with potting soil, water them thoroughly, then place two seeds in each pot. Cover them lightly with soil. To kick-start the germination process, cover your little cucumber kids with a suitable plastic lid or non-woven fabric and let them germinate in a warm environment, preferably around 25 °C. Soon you will see them sprouting like little green warriors.

For an early start, start pre-growing indoors between March and May. The cucumber plant grows like a hell of a rocket, and within about 5 weeks from seeding to finished plant, you'll be ready to put them out in your chosen growing area. Sow one or two seeds 1cm deep in a pot about 8cm in diameter and start your own cucumber party, my friend!

All our seeds are produced in Sweden by dedicated growers who grow small-scale and sustainably. Simply a careful craftsmanship from start to finish. In collaboration with Nordfrö. Read more

The kit includes:
The seeds are delivered in a nice seed bag. Maybe a gift for yourself or for a great friend who you think should start growing? So come on, lets grow!


In our search for the perfect cucumber, we have come across Muncher and we may have found the right one. It is a small salad cucumber with a fantastic full-bodied good taste and juicy crunch without bitterness. Works just as well to just feast on as to ferment or put in. Goes well in greenhouses and outdoors. An all in allo thus and you can save seed from it because you only need to grow one kind of cucumber.
Grown by : Linus & Ove at the Fröverkstan in Arkelstorp
Germination : at least 91%


Medieval variety. It thrives in northern climates and has a long harvest season. The dark green fruits are 20-25 cm long and are crunchy and mild without bitterness. Resistant to spotted disease, mosaic virus and powdery mildew.
Grown by : Britt-Marie in Linnemölla (Kristianstad)
Germination : at least 95%

Northern Pickling

Early variety that is pre-cultivated 3-4 years before planting out after the last night of frost. Harvest young fruits for best flavor. Northern Pickling gives a lot of harvest on relatively short vines and fits very well on smaller cultivation areas. It is stain resistant and also one of our favorites to put in!
Grown by : Ann-Marie at Mantalsbacken (Båstad), Lisa in Rö (Norrtälje)
Germination : at least 95%


Early variety that is pre-cultivated 3-4 years before planting out after the last night of frost. Harvest young fruits for best flavor. Northern Pickling gives a lot of harvest on relatively short vines and fits very well on smaller cultivation areas. It is stain resistant and also one of our favorites to put in!
Grown by : Ann-Marie at Mantalsbacken (Båstad), Lisa in Rö (Norrtälje)
Germination : at least 95%