Punk Garden

The Spice Kit

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Hunger is the best spice. But after that comes the feeling of chopping home-grown, freshly picked fresh spices directly into the cooking. The aroma, taste and freshness are outstanding and no vacuum packaging in the world can deliver that feeling. So join in and create your own spice oasis. In our Spice Kit, we have selected very high quality seeds that are produced on a small scale by dedicated local growers in Sweden. In collaboration with Nordfrö. Read more

The kit includes:
The seeds are delivered in a nice seed bag. Maybe a gift for yourself or for a great friend who you think should start growing? So come on, lets grow!

Lemon basil

This basil is a must for the self-employed! Easy to grow and useful with the scent and taste of lemon. Has green pointed leaves that are excellent for cooking. Widely used in Thai cuisine. Gives a spicy lemon flavor that goes well with fish or meat dishes, with salads or in herb vinegar. Can also be used for tea. Suitable for growing in pots in a warm and sunny location.
Grown by : Gisela at Gisslagården (Falköping).
Germination : at least 95%.

Coriander Marino

Coriander is truly a plant that brings you joy in many ways. Use the plant as a flavoring agent in food or why not let it bloom and use it as a beautiful cut flower? If you do that, after flowering, you can use the seeds, which work perfectly to be used as a spice. An annual plant that grows to about 50-60 cm high with white flowers.

To harvest the seeds, it is easiest to hang the plant upside down to dry and place a sheet underneath to collect the seeds. The seeds can be used as a flavoring agent in everything from soups to salads, but be a little careful with the amount and experiment, the flavor easily takes over.
Grown by : Joe in Tolg (Växjö).
Germination : at least 85%.

Basilica Genovese

Genovese is the most popular basil with its large, convex leaves and strong full flavor. Grows vigorously and feels good from being topped, then it branches out and gives even more harvest. A classic to use in pasta dishes or make pesto.
Sow at least 6 weeks before transplanting after the last night of frost.
Grown by : Ove & Linus at Fröverkstan (Arkelstorp).
Germination : at least 89%.


The classic chive works great for growing in a pot. When you sow in a pot, take it seriously. About 50 seeds so you get a good bunch. Gradually, you can then divide them into more tufts and plant them in more pots, boxes or of course open ground if you have access to it.

Chives are perennial and can stand for several years, so it is good to harvest carefully the first year so that the plant can grow and then give a good harvest for several years.

A bonus with chives is that the beautiful edible flowers. Let some of the plants bloom and use them as seasoning or decoration. The flowers have a milder onion flavor and provide a nice splash of color in the summer salad.
Grown by : Jonas & Sanna at Bossgården (Tidaholm).
Germination : at least 93%.